Friday, June 19, 2009

After almost 9 years......

it's time to upgrade a new PC system. My mom said that to me not too long ago.

Core 2 Duo, way to go. me and Wayne went to Sunway Pyramid to purchase some PC stuff like motherboard, ram, processor, and casing.

I had been using my old PC for 9 years, so it's time for a change. Besides, I don't have the patience to use a computer that would take 4-5 minutes to start up. Frequent crash due to slow processor and can't do multi-tasking.

Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8GHz E7400.

Unusually large CPU fan.

MSI Motherboard, G31 Chipset.


Core 2 Duo sticker.

Now, planning to buy a moderate graphic card when I earned enough money. Plus...looking forward for Windows 7.

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